Eustachian Tube Dysfunction

Eustachian tube dysfunction (ETD) refers to a condition in which the eustachian tubes, which connect the middle ear to the back of the throat, fail to function properly. These tubes play a crucial role in equalizing air pressure on both sides of the eardrum and draining fluids from the middle ear.

ETD can lead to symptoms like ear pain, hearing difficulties, tinnitus, and a feeling of ear fullness.

You may have experienced this ear fullness on an aeroplane flight as you descend. If the eustachian tube is functioning properly, swallowing, yawning, or using the Valsalva manoeuvre (gently blowing while pinching the nose and keeping the mouth closed) will allow the pressure to equalize and the uncomfortable feeling will subside. If the pressure cannot be equalized then the discomfort, pain, or feeling of fullness will continue.

Causes of ETD include infections, allergies, and environmental factors.

It’s important to see your doctor for treatment if you have experienced these symptoms,  especially so if you are planning on flying or taking up an activity like diving which can induce pressure changes in the ear.

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If you have an enquiry or would like to make an appointment, please call our clinic on (02) 9387 3599. Alternatively, please complete the form below.